How can we all conserve water?

How can we all conserve water?

By working together to use only what we need in our homes and businesses, we can all contribute to ensuring a sustainable water supply for everyone.

Keep Reducing Leaks

Keep Reducing Leaks

Much of our drinking water is lost through leaks before it ever reaches your tap. We're working to conserve our water by reducing the high levels of leakage across the country.

Daily we each use 133 litres

Daily we each use 133 litres

Toilet flushing, showering and bathing, teeth brushing, dishwashing, and garden watering. These are the everyday things we use water for, yet rarely think about. But our water resources are struggling to meet demand.

Water Conservation at Home

Water-friendly tips and using water more efficiently:

  • Don’t leave taps running or constantly dripping: A tap dripping once a second wastes about 10,000 litres of water a year.
  • Don’t leave tap running while you are brushing your teeth. This wastes around 11,000 litres of water per year.
  • Fix leaky taps.
  • Take a shower instead of bathing. Fitting an eco-shower head will use 50% less water.
  • Use phosphate free household cleaning and washing products. Also, minimise your use of bleaches, disinfectants and anti-bacterial products.
  • Use dishwashers and washing machines only when fully loaded.

Water Protection and Collection

  • Don’t pour paints, oils, wood preservatives, solvents, varnish, thinners, pesticides, fertilisers, poisons and acids down the drain. Bring them to the appropriate waste facilities.
  • Invest in a rainwater harvesting system. This will reduce use from mains supply by 50% as it can be used for watering your garden and plants, washing your car and other household activities.
  • Flushing the toilet alone uses one third of all water used in the home. You can put a brick or plastic bottle into your toilet cistern to reduce the amount of water per flush.
  • Washing your Car? Use a bucket of water, instead of a hose.
  • If you are not on a mains sewerage system.  Empty and maintain your septic tank regularly and ensure it is serviced by an authorised company.

Water Conservation

By using the above tips you are reducing the pressure you are putting on the water resources of your area, from which all drinking water must come.

We are so lucky to have co-operative farmers in and around the Stranooden catchment area.

Our Recent pilot project which involved the erection of 14 KM of stock proof fencing has allowed us to separate the livestock from our tributaries which helps protect our water from banl erosion, soil and fecal mater . What happened in the past was, cows, bulls, bullocks and sheep, stepped down to the rivers to get their drink of water. In Doing so, each time an animal came down the riverbank, a little more damage was done, and another piece of soil (and fecal matter) was introduced into the water that supplies the lakes that feed our system.

By fencing off the rivers and re-establishing the banks, and keeping the animals OUT of the water, by feeding them with drinkers, we have succeeded in keeping dirt and dung OUT of our drinking water. 

Other Water Conservation Steps on the Farm

Some good tips for on farm water use are to

  • Protect water quality by limiting access of livestock to rivers, streams and lakes.
  • Make regular checks for leaks and carry out necessary repairs. This includes visual checks for dripping taps, leaky pipes, hoses and nozzles, and for unusually wet areas around the pipe network.
  • Collect rainwater for cleaning purposes.
  • Collect and store organic material, farm chemicals, oils, industrial waste and residues properly, and dispose of using Local Authority dedicated facilities.
  • Only spread slurry when weather conditions are suitable.
  • Ensure water troughs for cattle do not overflow and carry out regular maintenance.
  • On pig and poultry farms check that animals do not cause spillage. Consider changing to better designs to reduce water losses. Wet poultry litter increases the ammonia emitted, and can cause welfare problems for the birds.

Remember, water conservation reduces costs

Rainwater harvesting reduces the volume of dirty farmyard water to be managed so minimising the bio-security hazard on your farm. Reducing nutrient losses from your land will increase profitability, since it is wasteful and environmentally damaging to apply more nutrients than necessary. Water friendly farming reduces the risk of contaminating water supplies – your own and your neighbours. Bottom line, a reduction in water pollution will increase water quality, improve aquatic habitats, protect nature, the environment and human health for everyone in your community.

Bottom line, a reduction in water pollution will increase water quality, improve aquatic habitats, protect nature, the environment and human health for everyone in your community.

(Information referenced from Sustainable Water Network (SWAN)